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Putin sounds alarm on rising Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, Russophobia around world

In Russia, the head of state noted, a big role in preserving inter-ethnic peace is played by religious denominations and the appeal of traditional values, as well as the fact that the country pursues balanced domestic and foreign policies

MOSCOW, December 14. /TASS/. Today, there is more and more Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and Russophobia around the world, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the combined Direct Line Q&A session and year-end press conference.

"As for an increase in Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, Russophobia and other similar manifestations, well, yes, they do seem to be rising, and there is an upward trend," Putin said in response to a question on what he thinks about the growth in nationalism and anti-Semitism around the world.

According to the president, it stems from the fact that people are prone to facing these kinds of injustices. He cited the current situation in the Gaza Strip as an example, which produces "a certain reaction" around the Islamic world and an increasing number of people "thinking radically."

"This surge is evident, as the number of such people is on the rise. There is nothing good here, and yet this is the result of certain elitist policy and the decades-long lack of a fair solution to the Palestinian issue," Putin stated.

In Russia, he noted, a big role in preserving inter-ethnic peace is played by religious denominations and the appeal of traditional values, as well as - "in no small part" - the fact that the country pursues balanced domestic and foreign policies.

"At least, we do what we can do to achieve justice in all these areas. I feel that the people do appreciate this. That is why we are creating such an environment.".